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  • Types of Business Insurance - Arthur Blake Insurance

Types of Business Insurance

Business insurance can be challenging to find because it can be challenging to choose what’s covered and what’s not, how much you want to spend, etc. Multiple types of business insurance cover various things. This is good because you can choose to cover some things, but not all, or choose to cover everything with multiple types of policies. Whether you’re pocketing the money at the end of the day, the following types of insurance will protect your company’s assets in an incident.  General Liability This type of insurance is exactly what it sounds like, general coverage. This insurance is usually added to a business owner’s policy or BOP. Overall, it protects your company from lawsuits and claims from people outside of your company. Every business owner should consider adding to their BOP if it’s not already included.  Commercial Property  Another component of your business owner’s policy would be commercial property insurance. This insurance pays out if there should be damage or loss to physical property. This includes things like a business building or business vehicle. You can add additional coverage for other items for an additional fee if your industry has a higher risk of damage.  Workers’ Comp Workers’ compensation... Read more
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  • How Much Homeowners Insurance Is Right For Me - Arthur Blake Insurance

How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need?

How are you supposed to know how much insurance coverage for your home is right? We purchase homeowners insurance on a range. Too much, and you’ll be paying costly premiums every year for more than you need. Too little, and your home won’t be covered as well as it should be if disaster strikes. It’s a balance! But how are you supposed to find that balance? Arthur Blake Insurance in Plano, Texas, is here to help. We have some advice on knowing how much homeowners insurance is right for you.  Calculate Replacement Costs First, you need to know that you can’t evaluate your property and assume that’s how much coverage you need because property valuation includes the land your home sits on, but the land isn’t going anywhere, so why insure it? We also recommend that you insure more than just the cash value of your home because, thanks to changing inflation, depreciation, and construction costs, that might not be enough coverage later on. The best way to ensure you have roughly enough homeowners insurance coverage is to calculate how much it would cost to repair and rebuild. Repairs could cost you more money than if you only insured the... Read more
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  • Workers Compensation Insurance plano tx personal development lifestyle plano

What Is Workers Compensation Insurance?

Workers compensation insurance or workers comp helps your employees if they end up suffering a work-related injury or illness. This is important because no matter your industry, your employees are at some risk, big or small, or getting hurt or sick. There are a handful of things workers comp covers, but it doesn’t cover other things. We will tell you some of the ins and outs of workers comp to understand how it plays a part in your business.  Workers Compensation Insurance in Texas If you’re a private employer, Texas doesn’t require you to provide workers compensation insurance. However, if you choose this route, you must report your coverage status and any work-related injuries or illnesses to the state’s Division of Workers Compensation. What Injuries are Covered? Workers comp can be used if your employees get hurt on the job or while working on your behalf. For example, injuries from work-related violence, terrorism, and natural disasters are covered by this insurance. One specific example of what would be covered is if your employee is driving to make a delivery and gets in a wreck, workers’ comp can help pay their medical costs.  The most common injuries covered by workers’ comp... Read more
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  • how life insurance works for kids Allen, Texas

Life Insurance Basics – How Life Insurance Works

About 41 million people in the United States say they need life insurance, but they don’t have it. Why? Well, the main reason is people tend to overestimate how much life insurance will cost. For example, participants estimated that a $250,000 term life insurance policy would cost about $500 a year in one study. However, in reality, it only costs about $160. People also avoid investing in life insurance because it’s hard to understand or don’t know much about it. So we’re going to talk about some life insurance basics and how life insurance works.  What is Life Insurance? Life insurance, in short, is a contract between you and an insurance company. An insurance company agrees to pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to your beneficiaries after your death in exchange for paying premiums. Your beneficiaries may use the sum for any purpose they choose, but common uses include paying a mortgage or putting a child through college. There are two primary types of life insurance. They are a term and permanent life. We’ll discuss those next.  Term Life Insurance Term life insurance is the most affordable and the most popular choice among purchasers. This type of... Read more
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  • Homeowners Insurance near me Plano, TX

10 Ways To Save On Homeowners Insurance

Homeowner’s insurance in North Texas can vary greatly depending on which insurance provider you choose, the plan you decide on, and the state you live in. The price can vary by hundreds of dollars even! You don’t want to be paying hundreds more dollars than you should be if you can help it. Arthur Blake Insurance is here to help. We’re giving you ten ways to save money on homeowners insurance.  Do Your Research Don’t hurry when you’re deciding which home insurance policy to go with. Homeowners insurance is essential because it can protect your forever home. It would be best to do your research when looking for homeowners insurance. Take time to consider providers and policies before making a decision.  Raise Your Deductible You can lower the amount you pay each month for your premium by raising your deductible. For example, your deductible might be $500. If you can afford to raise it to $1000, you could save up to 25% a month on your premium.  Don’t Overvalue Your Home The ground your home sits on is not vulnerable to the elements, so don’t add it to the value of your home. This will overvalue your home leading to... Read more
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  • Should You Buy Life Insurance for Kids - Arthur Blake Insurance

Should You Buy Life Insurance for Kids?

Life insurance can be difficult to think about, learn about, or plan for. But one thing’s for sure is that life insurance has become a popular topic for discussion since the pandemic hit. Parents of kids of all ages wonder if they should be investing in life insurance for their children after all of the uncertainty lately. Arthur Blake wants to help ease your anxiety, so we want to discuss the pros and cons of buying life insurance for your kids.  Ensuring Adult Coverage By purchasing life insurance for your children when they’re young, you ensure they’ll have coverage even when they’re adults and have professional jobs. When people get older, they are more likely to be denied coverage for reasons like dangerous jobs or health conditions they’ve been diagnosed with. By purchasing life insurance before these things happen, your kids won’t be denied the coverage they already have as adults.  Long-term Commitment If you decide to invest in life insurance for your children, expect to be making payments for decades to come. The investment isn’t worth losing if cash flow becomes tight. You might be able to re-invest some of the money for payment, but then the policy loses... Read more
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  • commercial vehicle insurance plano Arthur Blake distillery insurance program

5 Reasons Why Commercial Vehicle Insurance Is Essential

Using commercial vehicles for your business is a great asset to have. It can allow you to transport materials, travel to events, or deliver items, so it’s essential that your commercial vehicle be insured. We’re going to discuss the top 5 reasons why commercial vehicle insurance is essential.  1. Liability Coverage If you were to get in a wreck in your commercial vehicle, there wouldn’t only be damage to the vehicle but possibly to property and valuables as well. By utilizing commercial vehicle insurance, you will have a range of protection if or when you damage another’s valuables in an accident.  2. Physical Damage and Collision Protection In the case of an accident, you or your employees may need to pay for damage to their vehicles and others involved in the wreck. Insurance can reimburse policyholders for the costs of those repairs no matter who was at fault.  3. Medical Payment and Lawsuit Coverage If a wreck is severe enough, bodily harm can be done to those involved, which can be costly to endure. With commercial vehicle insurance, you can receive assistance in paying for medical costs, lost wages, and even legal fees if you should incur any.  4. Comprehensive... Read more
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  • cyber security insurance dallas texas

What is Cyber Liability Insurance?

Businesses face countless threats every day, and with our dependence on the internet, cyber threats are a constant. That is why cyber liability insurance is vital for nearly every business. However, as a relativity new concept, many people do not understand why they need cyber security insurance or even what it is. Therefore, to understand why cyber liability insurance is essential, business owners first need to understand cyber liability. What is Cyber Liability? In this context, a liability is anything that’s presence or function puts a business or its customers at risk. Due to our increased reliance on computers and the internet, technology has become a liability for many companies. Any business that relies on the internet to connect with customers, store data, or perform other business functions runs the risk of being victimized by cybercrime or accident. A data breach or similar cybercrimes could lead a business to ruin. Companies can lose the trust of their customers and face legal actions for their irresponsibility, all because they failed to protect customer data. In America, 55% of small businesses have experienced a data breach. Unfortunately, cyber-criminals smell blood in the water and have set their sights on small businesses. So,... Read more
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  • cyber liability insurance plano texas

Five Scenarios Where Cyber Liability Protection Is Needed

No one can deny the countless advantages technology has given businesses across the globe. However, it is also important to remember the risks that technology opens up for businesses. For example, an extremely competent cyber-criminal or distracted employee results in customer or corporate information exposure. In the wrong hands, this information could be abused, leading to ruin for the affected company. Cyber security insurance is a vital tool to protect your company from many of these liabilities that technology opens up. Here are five scenarios where cyber liability insurance could save the day. Deep Freeze A deep freeze is not a form of cyberattack, rather a human error committed by an employee. Deep freezes occur when a company’s website or network completely freezes due to a mistake. When a deep freeze occurs, customers will be unable to use the website to complete transactions. As a result, your company’s reputation will suffer, and you will lose tons of revenue in the process. Large Scale Hack and Data Breach The skill of hackers should never be understated. A skilled hacker could hack into your company’s network and have access for months. While in your network, the hacker could wreak havoc by stealing... Read more
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  • craft beverage insurance frisco texas

Everything You Need To Know About Craft Brewery Insurance

Now that COVID-19 cases are dropping and life is returning to normal, the craft beverage industry is exploding once again. Opening and maintaining a craft brewery can be advantageous, but it also requires hard work. One aspect that many new breweries often overlook is insurance. Just like any business, breweries need an insurance policy that fits their specific needs. Arthur Blake Insurance in Plano, Texas, provides new and existing brewery owners with a guide covering everything they need to know about craft brewery insurance. Why You Need Craft Brewery Insurance As we said above, every business, no matter the industry, needs insurance. While some businesses only need general commercial liability insurance, breweries need insurance that fits their unique needs. For example, craft breweries have much more expensive and special equipment when compared to other businesses. Like an insurance agency, for example. Who Needs Craft Brewery Insurance? Any business that brews and sells its craft beverages needs some form of craft brewery insurance. This includes: Craft Breweries Craft Distilleries Microbreweries Craft Ciders Essentially, if your business brews/distills a form of alcohol, you need craft beverage insurance. How Much Does Craft Brewery Insurance Cost? There are a lot of factors that play... Read more