Everything You Need To Know About Craft Brewery Insurance
Now that COVID-19 cases are dropping and life is returning to normal, the craft beverage industry is exploding once again. Opening and maintaining a craft brewery can be advantageous, but it also requires hard work. One aspect that many new breweries often overlook is insurance. Just like any business, breweries need an insurance policy that fits their specific needs. Arthur Blake Insurance in Plano, Texas, provides new and existing brewery owners with a guide covering everything they need to know about craft brewery insurance. Why You Need Craft Brewery Insurance As we said above, every business, no matter the industry, needs insurance. While some businesses only need general commercial liability insurance, breweries need insurance that fits their unique needs. For example, craft breweries have much more expensive and special equipment when compared to other businesses. Like an insurance agency, for example. Who Needs Craft Brewery Insurance? Any business that brews and sells its craft beverages needs some form of craft brewery insurance. This includes: Craft Breweries Craft Distilleries Microbreweries Craft Ciders Essentially, if your business brews/distills a form of alcohol, you need craft beverage insurance. How Much Does Craft Brewery Insurance Cost? There are a lot of factors that play... Read more