Winery Insurance You Didn’t Know You Needed
Wineries are becoming popular in Texas. They can be a fun business to run, especially in Hill Country, but they are a business. To succeed, companies need to be run efficiently and correctly, so Arthur Blake is here to help. Wineries need a plethora of insurance coverage to cover all of their bases, and that’s why you’ve come to our blog! We’re going to tell you some of the insurance coverage options your winery needs, and for the complete list of coverage needs, don’t hesitate to contact Arthur Blake Insurance to speak with an agent. General Liability Every business needs general liability insurance. It’s just a good option to cover the general issues that occur for businesses. General Liability insurance covers unexpected hazards, accidents, and other problems. It can also provide your winery with product and advertising liability coverage. Contract Cancellation Coverage Let’s get to the more winery-specific insurance coverage you need. Contract cancellation coverage is one of those things. The winery business isn’t always consistent. You might not always be able to fulfill contracts you’ve created with a customer. That’s where contract cancellation coverage comes in. With this coverage, this insurance will pay for attorney fees and other costs... Read more